Research Objectives
The IRM encompasses a broad range of applications in Regenerative Medicine. However, in order to leverage existing strengths at UTSA and with collaborative programs within the greater San Antonio area, initial work will focus on the following objectives:

Advance Basic Knowledge of Stem Cells
Advance and translate stem cell knowledge into therapeutic treatments for the design of new cellular and molecular based therapies, brain health, fertility preservation, and development of precision/personalized/definitive medicine.

Non-Human Primates as Pre-Clinical Models
Model precision cell-based therapies in primates to facilitate preclinical testing to optimize safety and efficacy toward accelerating application of stem cell-based protocols to human treatments.

"Disease-in-a-Dish" Models & Organoid Systems
Apply concepts from Regenerative Medicine to design model microtissue and “organoid” systems to study disease etiology, advance diagnostics, prevention and/or treatment of multiple diseases or debilitation.

Biomechanics & Tissue Regeneration
Perform research at the interface of biomechanics and tissue regeneration to guide the design of new interventions for novel therapeutic modalities.

Precision Medicine Therapies
Develop precision medicine therapies for diseases of key organs including those that impact preservation or restoration of health, life and fertility.

Traumatic Injury
Develop new therapies for wound healing and tissue regeneration following traumatic injury in active military populations including wound healing.

Engineer Musculoskeletal Tissues
We aim to engineer musculoskeletal tissues for the reconstruction of complex defects resulting from trauma, congenital defects or tumor resection.

Restore Fertility
Develop cell-based approaches and precision medicine therapies for the preservation and/or restoration of fertility.
Research Cores

Behavior Core Facility
The Behavior Core Facility provides support and training to help increase throughput while promoting rigor and reproducibility in behavioral testing using cutting edge techniques.
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Cell Analysis Core Facility
The Cell Analysis Core Facility provides centralized services, training, access, and support to researchers in the usage of cutting-edge technology for the study and manipulation of biological samples using flow cytometry and confocal microscopy equipment.
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Genomics Core Facility
The Genomics Core Facility prepares and sequences DNA libraries for Next Generation Sequencing, including whole genomes and whole transcriptomes. It also prepares nucleic acids from single cells for genomic analysis.
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Nanotechnology and Human Health Core Facility
The Nanotechnology and Human Health Core Facility focuses on the synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials for imaging, labels for bioassays, and active targeting for in vivo or in vitro diagnostics.
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Proteomics and Protein Biomarkers Core Facility
The Proteomics and Protein Biomarkers Core Facility is focused on capillary liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS) and -tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) to identify, characterize, and quantify proteins.
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Stem Cell Core Facility
The Stem Cell Core Facility provides access to a streamlined, IRB-approved consenting process for acquisition of patient samples and generation of pluripotent stem cells and stem cell-derivatives for basic and preclinical research.
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